Sunday, October 16, 2011


The movement that started as “Occupy Wall Street” has caught the attention of America whether its being reported on or not. It has spread from New York, NY to major cities all over the United States. People from all demographics and political backgrounds have gathered at the major financial institutions in their cities to protest. I use the word protest for the lack of a better word; This isn't your everyday shout and picket protest. The people gathered are in my opinion an unbiased representation of the middle to lower class population that is struggling to survive in the twisted economy. They gather to protest not against any group or person and they don't necessarily support any kind of political candidate. These people have on thing in common, they think that the financial system needs to be revamped. Whether the person thinks we should rip it all down and start anew or just set the system to zero, they all want to see a major change.
Interestingly enough, there isn't a single person behind all this coordinating the movement. The only thing resembling leadership is a loose committee that doesn't vote but comes to a consensus when they have to make a decision. I find the whole movement uplifting and encouraging, to see the people of our country shake off the dullness of the grind to stand up and come together for a purpose. A lot of the people occupying the financial institutions don't leave at night, these people are camping out for something other than a video-game release or black Friday. That alone shows a lot of commitment and says something about the people in occupancy at the campsites. Some people there are staying because they are unemployed and have nothing more productive to do than hope and stand for change in the way the government handles our money. Others who simply don't have the time to be camped out twenty-four seven show up in their free time.
This has been a seriously peaceful demonstration, the only violence that's been videotaped was perpetrated by the very force that was created to protect the citizens. We pay their salaries, their pensions and they are the ones we call for help. Individuals on the police force have been videotaped abusing their right to bear non-lethal weapons, using pepper spray on peaceful demonstrators. Of course this isn't a valid representation of the police force but its another disadvantage to the people showing up to voice their opinion. Without heed the protesters continue to gather and voice their outrage at the unfairness of the financial system our country has assembled. The campsites have grown so large that getting food and water in adequate quantities has been a concern. Vendors who have suffered because of the police lines put up were invited into the occupied zone to do business with the hungry occupancy advocates.
To what ends are these people gathering, what are their demands? Not even they know, the central committee in each of these campsites is slowly coming to a consensus on their platform and demands. All we know for sure is about nine percent of the populace is unemployed, and they don't have much else to do but show up, now they have a place to do it.

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