Sunday, May 1, 2016

Anger over ads, whining...

     Surfing the internet used to be my hands down favorite time waster. Funny videos, interesting articles and mind melting list sprees are some of my favorite past-times but advertising has nearly ruined it for me. I don't mind adverts really, they're a necessary evil, it's how people who have good content make money.  The games I play run fine and at decent quality, but my browser slows to a crawl while trying to display 13 java ads simultaneously.  Also, whats this garbage of turning lists from a long scroll-able page to 10-30 pages of slow loading, click by click agony with 2 separate embedded advert videos that play overlapping audio.  Two commercials playing loudly, unexpectedly and simultaneously is enough to engulf me in a miasma of chaos and insanity.  Why, sweet gods why?!  
     I could upgrade my computer I suppose or use adblocker     .......but I'm lazy ...really lazy  ......and waste time on the internet.  I'd rather just stumble on.. to a site with   less   advertising, or possibly a website that's spent time and money properly embedding and streamlining the way they advertise.  I dunno, maybe I need to move on from firefox, I hear chrome is superior.  Either way, someone is about to lose my clicks for shoddy advertising techniques.

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

We are an accumulation of our past experiences and emotions.  Vicariously or in reality, the way we feel about a situation is ultimately based on how we've seen ourselves reacting in a given situation based upon who's watching us when a reaction is required.   For example, if you're writing a paper, you'd write a better paper if you strive to be accepted and or praised by a teacher you're fond of.  Barring a driving need to get straight A's, you'll write the best paper for a teacher you hope to impress.  We watch zombie flicks and imagine ourselves kicking ass, leading, being the brave, the best, the survivor.  We play video games and know, we know that we'd totally have the guts to take on a village full of bad guys.
      This is a distraction, we're human, malleable, biological, imperfect.  In any given situation we will act on a simple equation.  Our past experiences + our willpower - our selfishness. 

Tuesday, September 9, 2014


I have a new co-worker, he's a conspiracy theorist.  One day he walks up to me and says, "so, 9/11, inside or outside job?". I didn't know what to say, my first thought was, "I didn't know there was any dissent". I've followed a couple links about people's beliefs on 9/11 conspiracies


On Awareness

It seems cliche to post about but if you don't put yourself in a position to experience the world you won't appreciate it.  If you stick to the same routine every day you're limiting yourself to a confined all around existence.  Your house/apartment, the inside of your car, your workplace back to your car and then back into your house.  Find different ways to get to work.  Take the bus and meet new people.  Ride your bike or take some extra time and walk somewhere to feel the wind in your hair and the sweat on your brow.  Without new experiences, sensations and feelings your not really storing any new memories.  Ever wonder how months can flow by and you don't even notice?  Don't get stuck in the grind, you'll forget every day, day after day.  The same day over and over.  I try and ride my bike to work as often as possible and at first I would kind of dread the hills and woe at the extra time I would "lose".  Now I find myself leaving earlier and earlier so I can go father out of my way on my bike, making up new convoluted ways to meander around town before I reach work, sweaty and exhilarated.  I've lost weight and I feel the months flowing by at a slower rate.  I'm in my 20s and I want to savor every drop of youth I have.  Wrapping up I'd like to beg you all, do something different, something weird, go out of your way.  See a road you've never been down?  Go get lost in a neighborhood you've never been to, ask for directions once your hopelessly confounded.  In new experiences you'll find yoursef.

Sunday, March 16, 2014

This financial system can't be "revamped".  There is a simple reason for this, its monetary inertia.  The flow of money could be compared to weather.  The icecaps have melted, fresh water has changed all the flows over the ocean and the money just cant get to where it needs to go.  I say we're in a financial ice age.

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

You're brain already has the death thing figured out.  When you die in a dream, you're forced to wake up. That's the end of the story, Finite. There's nothing next and you're forced out of the dream.  I can only assume that's what death is like, only backwards.  The good new is the shocking jolt of terror happens after you wake up and you wont be suffering the chance of a last minute heart attack because you'll already be dead.